Pointing fingers at previous govts for mini-budget are symptoms of mental disorder: Hamza

LAHORE, Dec 30 (SABAH): Hamza Shahbaz stated that even after three and a half years if Imran Khan accuses previous governments for tabling mini budget it can only be because of mental disorders.

Opposition leader Punjab Assembly Hamza Shahbaz, in a statement, said that the government is going to approve not only a mini budget rather the economical strangling of the people. Would this mini budget of 350 million rupees further affect the already hiked prices of hundreds of common use items, he asked.

He further stated that the only economic goal of this government is to collect tax from the common man while leaders are busy making money leaving people at the verge of committing suicide because of hunger.

“Packed food, electricity, fuel and other commodities will become more expensive due to this mini budget”,he added.