Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training launches campaign to enroll out of school children in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD, May 14 (SABAH): Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Islamabad launched a campaign to enroll out of school children in Islamabad it has been determined that no child will be out of school in Islamabad by 30th June, 2023.

Under flagship of the Ministry, Directorate General of Basic Education Community Schools, Federal Directorate of Education, National Commission for Human Development, “National Education Foundation, Private Schools Regulatory Authority, various NGO and social worker actively participated to support the cause. 

In this regard, meeting were organized and camp officers were set-up at different 9 places of Islamabad on Monday meeting and activity conducted at union council Sohan and Sharifabad whereas Golra, Khanna Dak, Shah Allah Ditta area were covered during Tuesday to Friday.

Directorate General of Basic Education Community Schools has taken leading role and deputed different teams in the aforesaid areas for door to door campaign to identify out of schools children (OOSC) age group 5 t0 15 years. People were assembled at different religions places and community given points to sensitize the issue to ensure 100% enrollment of OOSC.

Speaking on the occasion, the community were apprised that free of cost education, along with free books and bags will be given to newly enroll student.

The community appreciated the Government to enrollment drive indicative and hope that such activity may kindly be confirmed to bring positive change to eradicate literacy in Islamabad as well Pakistan.