G-20 event in IIOJK a smokescreen to hide Indian dirty face from world: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, April 27 (SABAH): Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organization, Mushaal Hussein Mullick fired salvo at the fascist Narendra Modi government and said that Indian plan to host G20 meeting in Srinagar was an attempt to mislead the world about Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir’s (IIOJK) real situation, which was classified as the world’s most militarized zone with a 1:8 military and civilian ratio.

In a statement on Thursday, Mushaal Mullick, wife of jailed senior Hurriyat leader Muhammad Yasin Malik, said that the G20 event in the occupied valley was mere a smokescreen and fascism Modi regime wanted to bolster its normalcy claims by hosting the mega event in the strife-stricken region.

The Chairperson stated that the G-20 event in the IIOJK was intended to divert attention from India’s rising massive human right violations in Kashmir. Moreover, she said that India wanted to give legitimacy to its August 5, 2019 illegal actions by holding the summit in the region.

Mushaal urged the G-20 countries that they must remember that India had illegally occupied the IIOJK and it was a disputed territory as per UN resolutions.

However, she said that they should refuse to participate in the event because it would hurt the reputation and credibility of G-20 forum if it accepted Modi’s mala fide invite to hold its meeting in the disputed region.

Besides, the Hurriyat leader stated that G-20 leaders would be seen as siding with the oppressor it they accepted tyrant Modi’s invitation to visit IIOJK.

She advised that G-20 countries instead of accepting fascist Modi’s invitation must force the supremacist Hindutva regime to settle Kashmir dispute as per UN resolutions, as it would further boost their credibility and honor in the comity of nation.

Mushaal went on to say that India should allow foreign fact-finding missions to the disputed region instead of holding G-20 event in Srinagar so as to the world should know the real and dirty face of the Indian fascist regime.

She said that the brutal authorities were using all brutal tactics to silence the dissenting voices in the region, as innocent Kashmir people were booked under draconian law, Public Safety Act (PSA) to build pressure on Kashmiri people to shun the rightful freedom movement.

On the other hand, she said that India was utilizing its soft power to strengthen its control over the territory by arranging the summit, adding that former governor Satya Pal Malik’s recent disclosures with regard to the 2019 Pulwama attack exposed the fake nationalism of the saffron party.

Mushaal Mullick urged that the G-20 countries should revisit their plan and refused to take part in the meeting to expose the real face before the world because their participation in the event would not only discredit them but it would be a tantamount to sprinkle salt on the wounds of Kashmiri people who had been facing all the brutalities and atrocities at the hands of fascist and notorious Indian regime since long.