1973 constitution manifests Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s political sagaciousness & farsightedness: Raja Pervez Ashraf

ISLAMABAD, April 10 (SABAH): Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf has said that 10th April 1973 is unforgettable day of Pakistan political history when nation was blessed with Parliamentary, federal and consensus based constitution. He said that prosperity and development of Pakistan is interlinked with implementation of true spirit of democratic, federal, Islamic and consensus based constitution.
He added,” this day is to acknowledge political maturity and sagaciousness of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto whose political wisdom blessed this nation with 1973 constitution.”

Raja Pervez Ashraf expressed these views while inaugurating ‘Yadgar-e-Dastoor’ – constitutional Monument in Islamabad on Monday.

Raja Pervez Ashraf has said that passage of consensus based 1973 constitution is ever-remembering moment in political history of Pakistan. He also said that the principles outlined in constitution reflects Islamic, federal, democratic and  parliamentary Pakistan and these were the same principles which were outlined by Quaid-i-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in his first address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11th August 1948.

While paying tribute to leadership of the Pakistan People’s Party Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, he said that it was his political maturity and sagaciousness which blessed the nation with this sacred document.  He said that constitution is a unique model of national unity and political consensus.

While highlighting the significance of constitution he said that 10th April should be celebrated as National day like 14th August.  He also said the construction of the constitutional monument of Pakistan is a very important and positive step.  He appreciated the tireless efforts of former Chairman Senate Mian Raza Rabbani and his entire committee to build the Constitution monument.

While addressing the event, he also said that “Bagh-e-Dastur” would also be constructed along with the memorial to be constructed at D Chowk on the Dastur Highway. The construction of this garden will not only provide a beautiful recreation place to the citizens, but will also provide a sufficient justification for the visitors of Islamabad to visit the Constitution Memorial.

He said that building constitution monument would spread awareness in young generation. He said that this monument would reflect the glorious history and those of political elites whose hard work and political insight blessed Pakistan with constitution. He said that this is only document which reflects   federalism, meaningful democracy, Islamic identity, individual freedom and the rule of law.

Later On Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf along with Federal Minister for information and Broadcasting and former Chairman Senate Mian Raza Rabbani and other Parliamentarians visited the Monument of Unsung Heroes who sacrificed thier lifes for constitutional supermacy. Furthermore, a commemorative postal stamp, A pictorial exhibition to reflect each moment of constitution making, exhibition of Original script of Constitution and a books exhibition in connection with golden jubilee celebration were also inaugurated by Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf.

The month-long Golden Jubilee celebrations of the 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan formally kicked off on Monday.

Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf inaugurated these celebrations by laying the foundation stone of the Constitution Monument opposite of the Parliamentary Lodges at D-Chowk in Islamabad.

Speaking on the occasion, the Speaker said 10th of April marks a historic day in Pakistan’s history as our constitution was implemented on this day in 1973. He said the constitution of a country is a big milestone of its history. He said it is an unforgettable moment that on this day in 1973, the constitution was approved with consensus by all the federating units. 

The 1973 Constitution is a landmark document that laid the foundation of a democratic and progressive society in the country.

Raja Pervez Ashraf said the Constitution Monument will be an excellent addition in tourism of the capital city. He also planted a sapling at Bagh-e-Dastoor.

Later, the Speaker National Assembly also released a commemorative stamp in connection with the Golden Jubilee celebrations and inaugurated pictorial exhibition at the Parliament House.

Convener of the Parliamentary Advisory Committee on the Golden Jubilee of the 1973 Constitution, Senator Mian Raza Rabbani, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb, members of the Committee other parliamentarians were also present on the occasion.