Hafiz Naeemur Rehman again announces to launch movement ‘Haq Do Karachi Ko’

KARACHI, April 3 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi chapter Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has again announced to launch a movement under the name of ‘Haq Do Karachi Ko’ and stated that campuses would be established at hundreds of points of the city from Tuesday onward.

Addressing a press conference at Idara Noor-e-Haq on Monday, Naeemur Rehman further said that they would go to each and corner of the city to inform the people about the distorted facts of the census. He appealed to the people of Karachi to stand united against those hell-bent upon arousing infightings among them. “Jamaat-e-Islami would give its mayor to Karachi. Either willingly or unwillingly you would have to accept this demand,” he remarked.

He said that privileged classed is occupying the country’s resources which is indeed causing inflation, adding in the absence of particular direction such situation has to be faced by the masses. “This situation is also result of acts committed by notables and judiciary which is why the people should demonstrate unity,” he stressed.

Expressing his grief and sorrow, Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi chapter said that 12 people were killed when they were intending to receive rations. He prayed to Almighty Allah to be kind on the masses. He said that our country was passing through numerous crises and the rulers should demonstrate sensibility or they must be shown the doors.

He said that the ruling class has been governing the country since 76 years and added it pushed the country towards poverty and inflation. He also again announced to launch a movement ‘Haq Do Karachi Ko’. He noted that campuses would be established at hundreds of points of the city from Tuesday (Today) onward.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman maintained that the current rulers bowed down in front of International Monetary Fund and everyone including judiciary, army and feudal lords played their part in this regard. People would have to decide about their future line of action, he said, and added only by being united they must fight against this occupying group.

He furthered masses are given relief across the world but in this land of our prices of daily-use items are multiplying on daily basis. He said a number of masses belong to a class who cannot stand in queue, adding “who is careful about them?” He said the commissioners were not working and working only as instruments of the government.