Texas Legislature adopts two landmark resolutions recognizing ‘Pakistan Day’ & ‘Pakistan Day of Action at the State Capitol’

WASHINGTON, Mar 22 (SABAH): In a reflection of enduring strength of Pak-US bilateral relations and appreciating huge contributions being made by Pakistani diaspora, Texas House of Representatives has adopted two landmark resolutions recognizing 23rd March 2023 as ‘Pakistan Day’ and 20th March 2023 as ‘Pakistan Day of Action at the State Capitol’.

Texas Assembly’s resolution 581 states: “The success of Texas has been bolstered by Pakistanis and Pakistani-Texans through their professional work, cultural background, and values of peace and prosperity. Today, the State of Texas joins Pakistanis in celebrating Pakistan Day and in promoting diversity, inclusion, education, and the appreciation of Pakistani culture and the Pakistani community residing in our state.”

The historic resolutions were introduced by two prominent Texan representatives of Pakistani descent Suleman Lalani and Salman Bhojani with the support of the American lawmakers. Texas is the second largest state of the U.S. both in area as well as population.

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Sardar Muhammad Masood Khan, during a telephonic conversation with Representative Lalani said the two lawmakers had made Pakistan proud and done a great service to strengthen Pak-US relations. He said the two resolutions would provide momentum to the efforts to promote people to people ties between Texas and Pakistan.

“The recognition of national days of Pakistan and the contributions made by Pakistani Diaspora in the United States is a huge stride for the Pakistan-US community,” he said.

Resolution 581 of the Texas Assembly introduced by Representative Suleman Lalani and adopted by the House on 20 March 2023 stated that Pakistan Day “provides the opportunity to recognize the societal, religious, linguistic, and economic contributions of the people and families who have immigrated to Texas from Pakistan.” “The success of Texas has been bolstered by Pakistanis and Pakistani-Texans.”

“Today, the State of Texas joins Pakistanis in celebrating Pakistan Day and in promoting diversity, inclusion, education, and the appreciation of Pakistani culture and the Pakistani community residing in our state,” the resolution said.

Resolution 600, introduced by Representative Salman Bhojani, recognizes Pakistan Day of Action at the State Capitol on 20th March and highlights close cooperative relationship between Pakistan and Texas in a range of mutually beneficial fields including trade, energy, education and cultural exchanges.

Appreciating rich human potential of the country, especially its youth cohort, the Resolution states that “Texas businesses can utilize the country’s highly skilled young professionals to advance the state’s economy, particularly in the information technology and biotech industries.

“Members of the Pakistani American community contribute to the vibrancy and prosperity of the Lone Star State in myriad ways, and the participants in this advocacy day are demonstrating their commitment to making an even more positive impact through active civic engagement,” states the Resolution.

During telephonic conversation with the Ambassador, Representative Suleman Lalani briefed him about the resolutions and the efforts being made to project soft power of the country. “By projecting our true image, norms and values, we are endeavoring to bridge the gap between the communities and countries,” he said.

Ambassador Khan appreciated the efforts being made to strengthen the existing relationship and encouraged Representative Lalani and his peers to visit Pakistan along with entrepreneurs and academics to introduce them to real Pakistan.

The Ambassador also called upon Representative Lalani and other leaders of Pakistani-descent to work on establishing institutional linkages and Sister State-Province Agreement between the two sides to streamline and broaden the scope of bilateral cooperation.

“Building strong networks of law-makers, business community, professionals, academics and others would help us creating better understanding of each other and forging robust partnerships in diverse areas,” he said.

The Ambassador assured Representative Lalani of full support of the Embassy of Pakistan in their endeavors to bring the people of two sides closer.

Representative Suleman Lalani reiterated his commitment to continue serving mutual interests of Pakistan and the United States.

Meanwhile Congress Member Jamaal Bowman will be joined by the members of the Pakistani American community to present a resolution in the House of Representatives to express the support for the designation of March 23, 2023, as ‘‘Pakistan Day”. Mr. Bowman noted the cultural diversity and strength of the nearly 800,000 Pakistani Americans in the United States of America in support of the Pakistan Day.

The press conference for the Pakistan Day resolution will take place Wednesday March 22, 2023 at 3:30pm EST at Capitol Hill, House Triangle located in the grassy triangle on the House side of the Capitol’s East Front.

Pakistan Day is a national holiday in Pakistan commemorating the Lahore Resolution passed on March 23, 1940, and the adoption of the first Constitution of Pakistan during the transition of the Dominion of Pakistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on March 23, 1956, making it the world’s first Islamic republic. Pakistan Day provides an excellent means by which all residents of the United States can learn more about the rich Pakistani heritage, while fostering an appreciation for this great culture among future generations.

“I am proud to recognize and celebrate the dynamic and rich contributions of Pakistani Americans. The United States is stronger because of the distinct contributions of groups that make this country home while also expressing and allowing us to share in their culture and history. The American Pakistani Advocacy Group continues to ensure elected leaders hear from their Pakistani constituents in order to celebrate and understand the immense contributions and beauty of Pakistani-American culture” Stated Congress Member Jamaal Bowman.

“This is a day of immense celebration and joy. We are beginning to change the conversation in regard to what it means to be a Pakistani American.,” said American Pakistani Advocacy Group (APAG) President Ali Rashid. “The Pakistani American community has always wanted to uplift and honor the principles of democracy, freedom, and hard work—characteristics that make us unconditionally American. With the collaboration of Congress Member Jamaal Bowman, the Pakistani American community has sought recognizing March 23rd as “Pakistan Day” to honor the hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis that reside in United State of America. It allows us to share the vibrancy and beauty of our culture. It is times like this that give us a grander perspective of life and more importantly, what it means to be human.”