Promotion of floral art & plantation activities were vital to create an environmental balance: Begum Samina Alvi

ISLAMABAD, Mar 13 (SABAH): First Lady Begum Samina Arif Alvi on Monday said that the promotion of floral art and plantation activities were vital to create an environmental balance and address the issues related to mental health.

The First Lady Begum Samina Alvi, addressing a national show held by the Floral Art Society’s Islamabad Chapter, said the floral art was not merely a hobby or pastime rather a form of therapy beneficial for mental health and reducing the stress and anxiety.

She highlighted that rapid urbanisation and massive construction activities were turning the cities into a concrete jungle usurping the spaces for greenery and flowers.

“The promotion of floral art and plantation activities is essential to address the situation. We will have to make collective efforts to beautify our cities and public places. This requires the engagement of youth as well as women to make them part of such healthy activities and beautify their surroundings,” she remarked.

The first lady appreciated the President of Orchid Chapter and Floral Society of Pakistan for playing their role to promote and transfer the good practices of healthy activities to the future generations.

She also congratulated the winners of the competition and lauded the Society’s members for promoting floral art through their dedication and hard work.

The first lady said the floral art could help the women express their creativity which also positively impacted the environment.

First Lady Samina Alvi said the Floral Society of Pakistan was providing the women a platform for healthy and creative activities enabling them to showcase their talent and polish their skills.

She congratulated the Orchid Chapter Islamabad on its Silver Jubilee and urged the body to continue working to promote the art of floral arrangement and horticulture in Pakistan.