Adversity: the road to greatness?…. Ali Hassan Bangwar

Though life might be a freebie one gets courtesy ones unsolicited birth, living it isnt. For hardships and adversities are the currencies, one pays the cost of living it. Everyone, regardless of ones socio-economic background, wishes for a fulfilling life that is much in sync with ones thoughts and desires. Everyone wants ones efforts to be awarded in the true spirit, individuality acknowledged and existence appreciated. However, this is hardly the case, as people and circumstances are unlikely to respond the way we want them to. This is perhaps for the right reasons and somehow for the wrong ones. This divide among aspirations, efforts and outcomes makes us feel like thankless beings with a life laced with adversity. Humans have an inherent distaste for the hardships of life and are programmed to avoid them. This is perhaps because, amid moments of adversity, people are unlikely to foresee the positive outcomes testing times might unleash.

In this midst of life, human has two choices: either to be taken away by the tides of circumstances to uncharted waters of nothingness or to challenge the circumstances by carving an independent course of life. The former might be an easy and effortless life, but its hardly a rewarding one. A pleasing experience of life demands a vision, direction and concerted efforts on a road paved with adversities. Therefore, success in life is hardly something presented to us on a plate; instead, it is the outcome of facing the testing times coming our way with patience and perseverance. Adversities, in most instances, serve as the paved roads to greatness.

First, facing adversity develops introspection for ourselves and our strategies. When faced with hardship, we think and rethink our thoughts and strategies and identify our strengths and weaknesses. This way, hardships bring us closer to success by helping us learn new ways and unlearn the old ones.

Second, hardships are the keys to personal growth. They challenge our limitations and our fixed mindset and help us realise our full potential. They transform us from what we believe we are to what we can become in life. They bring the best out of us.

Third, adversities are the messengers of individual greatness. If withstood with patience and perseverance, they carve and polish the subjects in such a productive manner that leaves a mark in time and history.

Fourth, challenges and adversities are powerful forces that shape humans into their best possible version. They help us identify our strengths, realise our innate potential and push us towards greater productivity and success. Had the earliest humans avoided the adversities instead of braving them, the world would not have evolved to this advanced far.

Fifth, hardship is the key to resilience. Every adversity we face and overcome strengthens our confidence and resolve. Repeated exposure to adversities develops our ability to bounce back and overcome the testing times in the future. This help makes our lives smooth sailing.

Sixth, adversities sift the unnecessary thoughts, people and plans. They expose the claims of people and help us realise whom to keep dear in the future. The workability and productivity of our thoughts and beliefs also become clear to us during hardships.

Seventh, it strengthens the sense of self-reliance. As we experience agonies and peoples attitudes towards us, we shed away all dependencies. Thanks to the strength we collect and lessons we learn, we become self-reliant and self-made and develop distinctive individual identities.

Eighth, adversities develop empathy and compassion in humans. As we grind in the tumults of life, we become sensitive to others feelings, hardships and lives. We, therefore, develop sympathy for others and lend them a helping hand in their challenging times.

Last but not the least, adversities develop simplicity, humanity, sagacity and humbleness in the subjects and lay the foundation of a humane, just, equalitarian society.

Therefore, we need to embrace the adversities coming our way if we wish to make a difference in our lives and society.

Courtesy  The Express Tribune, March 5th, 2023.