IIOJ&K forgotten, left in lurch by all: Farooq Rehmani

ISLAMABAD, March 04 (SABAH): complaints Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Chairman J&K People’s Freedom League and ex-Convener All Parties Hurriyat Conference has deplored that the entire IIOJ&K, has been forgotten and left in lurch by all, especially after an onslaught on its historical, geographical and cultural identity by a racist government of Delhi.

He protested against denial of basic human rights, property rights, economic rights, employment rights and rights to live in their homes, own property, safeguard their inherited property and cultivate their own lands and orchards without any foreign or other illegal interference. But, their age old country law and inheritance law is being trespassed and violated by Indian authorities in the region, he alleged.

He said brutalities are perpetuated on all those whether owners of land or media men who claim their rights, advocate by press and try to protest against such oppressive measures by the regime agencies. He expressed surprise over the long silence of the United Nations, that had taken responsibility of the disputed territory under its provisions and in line with its unanimous resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir.

He equally regretted apathetic trend of some major democracies and the Muslim countries which were duty-bound under the guide lines of Quran and Sunnat to take necessary steps to protect the lives and the properties of the subjugated and victimized Muslims in the world.

Muhammad Farooq Rehmani warned that the world body and other such institutions would lose their importance and unexpected war-flames could engulf the countries fighting for their hegemony. He condemned enforced disappearance of a Kashmiri youth in Kunan-Poshpora, Abdul Rashid Dar whose mutilated dead body was recovered from the Zurhama forests after about three months of his arrest by the army.

He said termination of services of employers on fabricated grounds from their offices, demolishing of houses in the name of so- called encroachment policy and seizure and attachment of houses or shops of legal owners by the Indian government in the Occupied State and arresting and detaining and moreover denying the Kashmiri inmates their right to be free from jails even after decades.

Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that the magnitude of brutalities, and use of other inhuman laws on the Kashmiris in the Valley and Jammu speaks a lot and must be addressed by the UN at the earliest.