Ishaq Dar reiterates resolve of govt to enhance & strengthen the bilateral economic & trade relations b/w Pakistan & Japan

ISLAMABAD, Feb 02 (SABAH): Wada Mitsuhiro, Ambassador of Japan called on Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar here at the Finance Division on Thursday.

Finance Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar welcomed Ambassador of Japan, Wada Mitsuhiro and highlighted cordial relations between Pakistan and Japan, said that Pakistan and Japan enjoy sound friendly relations which have been getting stronger with each passing day. He said that Japan is one of the major development partners of Pakistan and he firmly believes that the cooperation will further strengthen in multiple fields for the mutual benefit of both the countries.

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar gave a brief overview of the economic challenges and apprised of economic policies and reforms of the government to set the things in right path. He reiterated the resolve of the government to enhance and strengthen the bilateral economic and trade relations between Pakistan and Japan.

Ambassador of Japan Wada Mitsuhiro stated that Japan greatly values its bilateral relations with Pakistan. He briefed the Finance Minister about operations of the Japanese entities in Pakistan and shared his commitment to work to enhance business and investment relations. He expressed confidence on the economic policies of the current government and said that business and economic linkages would further strengthen between the two countries.

The proposed visit of the Finance Minister to Japan in the month of February was also discussed in the meeting.

In conclusion, the Finance Minister shared sentiments of gratitude to the Ambassador for his support and extended his cooperation in improving the trade and economic relations between the two countries.