86% Pakistanis say their doctor listened to them carefully the last time they were examined & rate their experience as good: Gallup & Gilani Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Feb 01 (SABAH): According to a survey conducted by Gallup & Gilani Pakistan, 86% Pakistanis say that their doctor listened to them carefully the last time they were examined and rate their experience as good.

A nationally representative sample of adult men and women from across the country was asked the following question regarding, “Thinking back to the last time you were examined by a health care professional, i.e. a doctor, how did you find the doctor in the following aspects? -listening to you carefully?”

In response, 35% rated their experience as very good, 51% said it was good, 8% responded that they felt neutral about their experience while 5% said it was bad and 1% said it was very bad.