FM Bilawal expresses Pakistan’s determination to work with Afghan govt to address the challenge of terrorism in the region

DAVOS, Jan 18 (SABAH): Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari blamed the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) led government for creating problems for Pakistan through its policy of “appeasement” towards the outlawed Tahreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

During in an interview with “Al Jazeera”, Bilawal Bhutto termed Imran Khan’s approach “wrong” and assured that the incumbent government has put an end to the PTI’s approach.

Bilawal Bhutto said that the government — in its National Security Meeting (NSC) with top political and military leadership — decided that it would “not tolerate” terrorist groups in Pakistan and violators of the law.

“The solution is to engage the Afghan government and try to convince them to live up to their promises to the international community whether it is to do with women’s rights or the issue of terrorism,” said Bilawal.

The PPP leader ruled out the possibility of disengaging, saying that it is not even an option for Pakistan as both countries share a long and porous border.

Talking about the attack on Pakistan’s Head of Mission to Kabul Ubaid-ur-Rehman Nizamani, the foreign minister confirmed that he hasn’t called him back home.

“He was due back for some briefings and dialogues. I hope we will have the security necessary to send him soon,” he said.

Bilawal Bhutto expressed Pakistan’s determination to work with Afghan government to address the challenge of terrorism in the region. The foreign minister said Pakistan believes in peaceful neighbourhood.

He said that it has been decided by Pakistan’s civil and military leadership not to tolerate anyone who violates the law of the land. He said terrorism affected peoples of Pakistan and Afghanistan and there is a need to timely tackle the situation.

Bilawal Bhutto thanked the world leaders for standing in solidarity with Pakistan in this testing time.

The foreign minister also expressed gratitude to the friendly countries that announced their support for the flood affected people of Pakistan in the recently held Geneva donors’ conference. He said fifty percent of the required funds for the rehabilitation of the flood affected people were announced during the conference.