Mushaal Mullick urges UN to grant freedom to Kashmir like East Timor, South Sudan

ISLAMABAD, Jan 05 (SABAH): Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation Mushaal Hussein Mullick said that many nations of the world were liberated and referendums under United Nations supervision were held but unfortunately people of Kashmir were deprived of their birth right of right to self-determination despite lapse of over seven-decades, indicating duplicity, hypocrisy and double standard of the international community.

Mushaal Mullick, the wife of senior incarcerated Hurriyat leader Muhammad Yasin Malik, said this in a statement on the occasion of the Right to Self-Determination Day observed on Thursday on both sides of the Line of Control and the world over to remind the UN to fulfill its obligations regarding settlement of the Kashmir dispute under its resolutions including the one passed on January 05, 1949.

Mushaal went on to say that Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government was using Indian army establishment and dreaded agencies RAW, Intelligence Bureau, National Investigation Agency and Enforcement Directorate to unleash every kind of oppression to silence the dissenting voices in the occupied valley. She stated that the unresolved Kashmir dispute has become a nuclear flashpoint in South Asia.

The Hurriyat said that the people would observe the day with the pledge to continue their liberation struggle till it reached its logical conclusion.
She stated that it was unfortunate that the UN bodies and international community miserably failed to implement its resolutions, resulting in the continued sufferings of the people in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Mushaal Mullick said that hypocrisy of the world and Indian expansionist designs have caused unimaginable destruction in Kashmir and have made peace in South Asia hostage. She said that the situation in occupied valley has become more terrible since August 05, 2019 when the Modi regime revoked the special status of the territory and snatched away all the basic rights and freedoms of the Kashmiri people.

The chairperson said that thousands of Kashmiris including Yasin Malik, APHC Chairman, Masarrat Aalam Butt, Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Aasiya Andrabi and Nayeem Ahmad Khan were languishing in Indian jails in fake and fabricated cases while rest of the sieged area were facing hardships due Indian state terrorism in IIOJK. She demanded that the UN should fulfill its promise and resolve the Kashmir dispute in the fashion of East Timor and South Sudan, who were granted freedom by holding plebiscite but people of were still facing state terrorism at the hands of brutal Indian occupation forces.