PDM, PPP & PTI had collectively ruined the system of accountability in the country: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, Dec 22 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq has said the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) were united over their concepts about poverty, unemployment and inflation while they differ only over power and interests. The trio was staring at Gate-4 of garrison city of Rawalpindi.

During his meetings with several delegations particularly the students of Jamia Mansoorah Sindh, Sirajul Haq said the central and provincial governments were incompetent and jinxes. He said due to rulers’ polices the masses were being ground in the mill of poverty as their purchasing power got badly damaged and added that edibles items were being sold at exorbitant prices.

He said that numerous essential medicines were found to be short in the markets whereas flour was being sold at a high price of Rs 130 kg. The traders were suffering and the educated youth of the country was going out of the country in wake of prevailing situation of the country, he said, and added every one out of five citizens of the country was suffering from depression. There was also dismal condition of stock market and the growth rate was going down, he noted.

Sindh was confronting the worse situation as the flood victims were not given relief particularly the masses of Karachi and interior Sindh were found to be discontented as poverty and unemployment reached at climax there, he said. The doors of education to the offspring of the unprivileged class of the society had been shut whereas the landlords were occupying the area, he deplored.

Sirajul Haq said the Jamaat-e-Islami wanted that elections be held but ahead of it electoral reforms were a must adding the PDM, PPP and PTI had collectively ruined the system of accountability in the country. He said the powerful segments of the society mock at the law whereas a poor person was snatched just for nothing. Rulers’ names came to fore through Panama leaks and Pandora papers but no-one could be held accountability, he recalled.

Sirajul Haq maintained the rulers got absolved their loans amounting billions of rupees but no accountability was done and continued all of them by being united were looting the resources of the country. He said the rulers have been occupying the country’s resources for over decades due to which the masses deprived even of basic facilities. On one side two percent aristocracy was sitting at heap of wealth while on the other side millions of unprivileged masses were deprived of bread and butter. So-called major political parties were not indeed cognizant of true concept of democracy, he concluded.