Punjab faces another constitutional crisis after months of uncertainty & political drama: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, Dec 21, (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has said that Punjab faces another constitutional crisis after months of uncertainty and political drama.

The situation in other provinces, he said in a statement issued from Mansoorah on Wednesday, was equally disturbing due to different reasons. The post-flood situation in Sindh and law and order in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were unleashing severe impact on people of both provinces, he said, adding the sense of deprivations among residents of Balochistan was also growing with everyday passing. The sit-in for the rights of the people of Gwadar, he said, entered into 35th day and no one was listening to their problems.

Amid the entire situation, Sirajul Haq added, the ruling PDM, the PPP and the PTI troika was seemed completely unconcerned to the crises, only caring about the protection of self-interests. It seemed, he said, their only concern was loot and plunder. The stories of ruling elite’s moral and financial corruptions were talk of the town, he said.

The masses, Sirajul Haq said, must stand for their rights and get rid of the status quo to put the country on right direction. He said the civilian supremacy and free and fair election were the only way forward. He said the election should be held after electoral reforms with consensus of the political parties. He called for strict accountability and rule of law.

The JI chief said the country had gone through different experiences of martial laws and so-called democratic rules but nothing had changed. He said people of Pakistan must start struggle for Islamic system in the country. He said Islam guarantees protection of rights to every individual. He said the JI’s entire struggle was revolved around the objective of transforming Pakistan into corruption free Islamic welfare state.