With its statement, Indian Govt tried to hide behind subterfuge & canard to conceal realities of 2002 Gujarat massacre: FO

ISLAMABAD, Dec 17, (SABAH): Responding to media queries regarding Friday’s statement by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs,
Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said on Saturday “With its statement, the Indian Government has tried to hide behind subterfuge and canard to conceal the realities of the 2002 Gujarat massacre. It is a shameful story of a mass killings, lynching, rape and plunder. The fact of the matter is that the masterminds of the Gujarat massacre have escaped justice and now hold key government positions in India”.

FO spokesperson said that no verbosity can hide the crimes of the “Saffron terrorists” in India. Hindutva, the political ideology of the ruling party, has given rise to a climate of hate, divisiveness and impunity, she said.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that the culture of impunity is now deeply embedded in Hindutva-driven polity in India. The acquittal of the mastermind and perpetrators of the heinous attack on Delhi-Lahore Samjhota Express, that killed 40 Pakistani nationals on Indian soil, demonstrates the massacre of justice under the RSS-BJP dispensation. Intimidation and demonization of religious minorities receives official patronage in states across India. Hindutva supremacists have been unleashed to exercise cow vigilantism, ransack places of worship, and attack religious congregations.

She said that as it peddles a fictitious narrative of victimhood, it is itself a perpetrator of repression in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and a sponsor and financier of terrorist groups in South Asia.

“Only this week, a dossier was released containing irrefutable evidence that substantiated India’s involvement in the 2021 terrorist attack in a peaceful Lahore neighborhood. The evidence gathered with international support confirms that the Lahore attack was instigated, planned and financed by the Indian state” she said.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that the MEA statement is also a reflection of India’s growing frustration over its failure in maligning and isolating Pakistan. After being unable to prevent Pakistan’s exit from FATF Grey List in October and international recognition of Pakistan’s counterterrorism efforts, India is desperately using international platforms to advance its agenda to defame and target Pakistan.

She said that for a country with a grandiose vision about itself and its place in the world, India is following a policy of pettiness towards its neighbours. We are confident that the international community would look through this facade and the dream of RSS-BJP to turn South Asia in its image will remain unrealized.