Sirajul Haq warns the rulers against growing frustration among the people of Balochistan

LAHORE, Dec 10, (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has warned the rulers against growing frustration among the people of Balochistan.

Sirajul Haq was talking to party leaders at Mansoorah on Saturday after returning from a two-day visit to Pisheen and Karachi.

Sirajul Haq said the biggest province was presenting a depressing picture of affairs. The governments had paid no attention to the problems and kept the people deprived even from basic health and education facilities for years. Despite having enormous natural resources, he said the majority in Balochistan lacked access to even drinking water. Residents of Gwadar, he said, were protesting for their rights for months but the rulers were least bothered to address the issues.

Karachi, he said, on the other side was also facing a plethora of problems. The metropolitan, he said, was without basic infrastructure with heaps of garbage could be seen everywhere. Millions in the city lacked access to drinking water and faced electricity and gas load shedding, he added.

Sirajul Haq held the PDM, the PPP and the PTI equally responsible for the economic destruction. He said the present and past governments’ ill-conceived policies and bad-governance led the country towards prevailing crises. He said the foreign exchange reserves dropped to the lowest 6.7 billion USD, not enough for five weeks imports. The rulers were making false claims about the economic situation as they were never at the losing end, he said, adding the common man had to bear the burden and face the situation. In the prevailing circumstance, he said, a white-collar person could not afford buying food for the family and paying monthly bills and school fee of children simultaneously. The government, he said, failed to check inflation and unemployment.

The JI chief said the interest-based economy and corruption were the root causes of the prevailing situation. The ruling elite, he said, was least interested in strengthening the accountability process and introducing riba free economy. He said the JI believed in rule of law and strict accountability. If voted to power, he said, the JI would make the national economy interest free and introduce a powerful system of accountability. He said the nation must get rid of the tested parties and choose the honest and dedicated leadership to build prosperous Pakistan.