KC-EU raises violations of Kashmiris’ rights ahead of debriefing on EU-India HR Dialogue

BRUSSELS, Nov 30, (SABAH): Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) has raised issue of human rights violations in Indian Illegal occupied Kashmir ahead of a debriefing on EU-Indian Human Rights Dialogue in the EU parliament.

Chairman Kashmir Council Europe Ali Raza Syed dispatched a letter to Josep Borrell, High Representative of European Union and Maria Arena, the chair of Subcommittee of EU’s parliament on human rights before the European authority debriefing which held on November 29, 2022.

The letter specially mentioned prolonged detention of famous Kashmiri human rights defender Khurram Parvez who is in an Indian imprison since 22 November 2021. Rejecting the fake allegations on Khurram Parvez, the letter stated, human rights activists like Khurram Parvez just share information and testimony on human rights violations with UN human rights bodies.

In his letter Ali Raza Syed called upon the EU’s authorities to use their good office for release of Khurram Parvez from Indian prison. Chair’s KC-EU also called for early release of other noted prisoners including Asif Sultan, Fahad Shah, Sajad Gul and Ahsan Untoo and other innocent people currently languishing in jails on fake charges.

Addressing the European authorities the letter said, we request you take immediate notice of the situation while using your good office to ensure that legal and civil rights of Kashmiri prisoners are secured. The letter also warned about the threats to life of more than 1100 Kashmiri prisoners, who are systematically being shifted from Indian occupied Kashmir to other jails in Uttar Perdesh (North-Central part of India). Giving an example of such threats the letter described that a Pakistani prisoner, Mohammad Ali Hussain, who was in Indian jail, was killed allegedly in a fake encounter by Indian occupation forces. The Pakistani prisoner was killed away from the jail and the circumstances clearly indicate towards a premeditated and cold blooded murder.

Quoting reliable sources of Kot-Bhalwal jail in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the letter pointed out, 30 to 50 prisoners from Kot-Bhalwal in occupied Kashmir are being shifted to other jails, which is a clear violation of the law of the land. The stress caused by fear, insecurity and anxiety, is so high that two days ago as a prisoner died of a sudden heart attack in Kot-bhalwal jail.

Ali Raza Syed in his letter further disclosed that the innocent Kashmiris are regularly arrested under imposed black laws such as the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, which violates every notion of civil and political rights of citizens. They are regularly tortured, raped, humiliated and killed with impunity granted to the Indian occupation forces. The letter recalled, we are all aware of mass graves and the use of pellet guns by Indian Occupation forces in Kashmir.