COAS promise of Army’s nonintervention in politics is laudable: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, Nov 23 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq has said that army chief’s pledge of Army’ nonintervention in politics is praiseworthy and there is need of practical steps on this matter.

Sirajul Haq expressed these views while addressing the participants of Markazi Tarbiat Gah at Mansoorah on Wednesday. He said if establishment remains away from politics according to its announcement the politics of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) will come to an end and deplored that the politics of both sides was revolving around the stick of a general as their power owes to establishment.

He said all were involved in looting Toshakhana as someone took vehicle other took necklace or watch and continued all made money as per their reach. He noted millions of gifts were bought with just some coins and showcased in the palaces and added if a common person has this right that he may purchase something valuing Rs 10 millions with just Rs 2 million.

Sirajul Haq said that this country cannot make progress without the rule of Constitution and its solution only lies with the Jamaat-e-Islami, and continued they will bring only eligible and honest people for enforcing Quran and Sunnah in the country. He was of the view that the country’s resources were being looted for seven decades and said there is no issue of shortage of resources in Pakistan but the actual problem is of just division of resources.

He said that corruption and interest-based economy destroyed everything and added the former and current governments were equally responsible for this situation. He said the ruling parties have badly failed in delivering the masses and they cannot bear them anymore.

He said though the government was running but debt of Rs 23 billion was being taken on daily basis and more than one half of budget was being consumed in paying these loans. The rulers remain indulge in begging in the world and when some country pledges to help, they make victory signs, he said, and presented an example of recently held conference at Sharm El-Sheikh in connection with climate change. 

He said that flood affected over 30 million people and destroyed over one million houses and despite the passage of three months the people were still passing lives in the tents. He said the diseases were spreading and the victims had no ration and medicines and deplored that the central and provincial governments were still busy in their own wars. The governments were not feeling the pain of people and the flood victims, he lamented.

Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Sirajul Haq said it was a golden history the way Alkhidmat Foundation and Jamaat-e-Islami’s 50,000 workers served flood victims and they are thankful to the nation that they relied on them more than others by giving donation of billion of rupees as they were well aware of the fact that their money will be fairly and objectively consumed.

Sirajul Haq said that masses should be familiar with worth of their vote and need to hand over this mandate to those people who tend to make Pakistan truly an Islamic welfare State and were struggling to bring Islam to the power corridors.