Children are our most precious assets: FM Bilawal

ISLAMABAD, Nov 20, (SABAH): Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that children are our most precious assets and it’s the core responsibility of the government and the society to provide the required facilities to them for maximum utilization of their potential for the greater good of future generations.

In his message on the Universal Children’s Day observed under the United Nations on Sunday, Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that education, health and clean and peaceful environment are the key requirements for their better healthy grooming. “Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders. Their minds need to be nurtured with tolerance and harmony. Every positive step taken in their interest will ultimately be a part of our generation’s message of love and affection to our children’s children,” he added.

The Foreign Minister said Pakistan is faced with numerous issues at both international and national level. “Still our priority should be the future of our children as Pakistan belongs to them. They have a full life ahead while we have passed parts, small or big, of our lives,” he stated.

He pointed out that almost a quarter of the polio cases were reported from Pakistan when Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto launched polio vaccination during her second tenure as Prime Minister. “Today, we are nearing polio-free status. This is called visionary leadership and her monumental projects for mother and child health will always be appreciated by all, especially the mothers of Pakistan.”

PPP Chairman said that Sindh is leading in legislation for children, women and other vulnerable groups and other provinces should replicate the efforts. Equality and inclusion is the unfettered right of every child. “We should ensure that every child has access to better education and health facilities,” he added.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari stressed special attention to those children suffering following the floods. Of 33 million people affected by the floods and heavy rains in the past months, one-third are children. Nearly 19,000 schools have been damaged during the climate-induced disaster.

Foreign Minister said that he had emphasized on the need of climate justice at international forums because it is Pakistan which is hit hard by climate change. We are pleading the case of the entire world prone to future climatic disasters as well. PPP Chairman vowed that his Party will continue to roll out projects and schemes for the betterment and welfare of children on a priority basis in future also.