Sirajul Haq calls for making public all agreements Islamabad had signed with different countries in the name of Balochistan development

BELA, Nov 02 (SABAH): Jamaat-i-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has called for making public all the agreements Islamabad had signed with the different countries in the name of Balochistan development.

“People of Balochistan have right to know what the rulers are doing for their betterment,” Sirajul Haq said while dressing public gathering in Bela city of Balochistanon Wednesday. The locals, he added, also have the first right on the resources of the province. Haqsaid the rulers had long history of making false commitments with the people.

The governments, Sirajul Haq said, had never bothered to fulfill their responsibilities regarding welfare of the common man. Announcements by the rulers remained limited to the papers from Balochistan Package to the recent agreement signed with the residents of Gwadar, he added.

“We have long been told Gwadar Port will be a game changer but the ground situation is entirely different and presenting gloomy picture despite years. The local population of the area lacked basic facilities.”

The people of Gwadar, he said, were even had no access to clean drinking water and the check posts were still there.

He said the rampant corruption and security situation in the province were major challenges. A large number of people affected by the recent floods were living under tents, he said.

“Stop making Balochistan a part of the Great Game,” he said, adding that the enemies of the country were taking advantage of the situation with their eyes on the rich natural resources of the area.

The JI Emir said due to ignorance poverty was rampant in the province where millions of children did not go to school. Balochistan, he said, needed schools, colleges and hospitals and its youth wanted jobs.

Sirajul Haq said over 70 per cent population of the province were living below the poverty line, lackingbasic medical facilities.

The unjust distribution of resources needed to be ended to uplift people and alleviate poverty, he said.

Sirajul Haq said the people of Balochistan and particularly the young generation should raise voice against feudal lords and waderas and corrupt system. Only Islamic system, he said, provided solution to the country’s problems. He said the JI was uniting the youth in all parts of the country to bring real change, inviting the people to join the ranks of the JI to get rid of the status quo.