Imran Khan is the biggest deepfake himself: Sherry Rehman

ISLAMABAD, Oct 12 (SABAH): Federal Minister for Climate Change, Senator Sherry Rehman said that Pakistan is currently facing the biggest climate tragedy the world has ever seen.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Senator Sherry Rehman  said, “The situation is grim in Sindh and Balochistan because of stagnant floodwater still inundating 11 districts that are below sea level making humanitarian relief an enormous challenge like we have never faced before. It has become the biggest climate catastrophe of the century that the world has ever seen, let alone Pakistan. The World Bank estimates damages of approximately US $40 billion. This is a conservative estimate as the loss and damage from these floods is much bigger than 2010 which too had a similar damage estimate, and I fear that it will increase with time.”

She continued, “An estimated 20.6 million people are still in need; this is more than the combined populations of Portugal and Switzerland. The task at hand for Pakistan is serving the size of population that is equal to two countries, which is not an easy task. The rescue mission has now stopped, but we are still in the longest relief operation any country has ever seen.”

Sherry Rehman said, “FAO surveys suggest that 9.4 million acres of standing crops are damaged and inundated, and this will directly put 14.6 million people in the line of a food and agriculture crisis. Our export crops are almost all wiped out, and we will even need to import food after this flood. The catastrophe will push an additional 15.4 million more people beyond the poverty line. Nutrition needs too, need a scaled-up response are 7.1 million people still are in need. 70% of the total population is women and children. She continued, “Sindh sustained the most damage, where 79% of the crops were destroyed. Elsewhere, the losses were 53% in Balochistan, 15% in Punjab, 14% in K-P and 25% of AJK. Out of 2.1 million homes damaged in all four provinces, 89 percent were damaged in Sindh alone.”

The Minister expressed her disappointment at the antics of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf. She said that “a party that is governing in two provinces, instead of providing relief and assisting the flood victims, they are involved in politics that are extremist in its nature. They are misleading the public with a packet of lies while Pakistan is going through one of its biggest moments of collective national trauma. They want people, especially our youth, to take dangerous Neo-fascist oaths and join them in long marches, which reminds one of grim images from Nazi Germany. He is misguiding the public and taking them towards fascism and hate politics.”

She continued, “One and only reason behind all this fiasco is Imran Khan’s selfish and blind greed for power. He blames others for money laundering, but he was caught in the Wootton Cricket scandal. The ‘Ciphergate’ he started, his own president said that there is no conspiracy in it. The Cipher disappeared from PM house custody which itself is a crime. Misusing state secrets for personal gain is a moral and criminal breach of all norms. She said, “He is the biggest deepfake himself. They are taking the society to a direction from where it is hard to come back, with false divisions based on inflammatory language and hate speech. He wanted to isolate Pakistan with his Ciphergate, and even take the country to default with his IMF letter. But now, his real face is in front of everyone.”

Sherry Rehman concluded that, “While the country is going through a century defining climate disaster, you are out there leading an “Imran Bachao Tehreek’ without any shame. Are people of Sindh and Balochistan not your people? Are people affected in KPK not your people? Is South Punjab not yours? You are using the resources of KPK and Punjab and flying around on helicopters for your political drama.” The biggest climate disaster the world has ever seen, says Federal Minister for Climate Change, should have promoted some seriousness of purpose and self reflection. But no, he just wants Imran Khan to be Hero even if it means Pakistan is taken to Zero, she said.