Sirajul Haq terms Article 62 (1) (f) indispensable to protect the ideological values of society

LAHORE, Oct 06 (SABAH): Terming the Article 62 (1) (f) indispensable to protect the ideological values of the society, Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has expressed concern over the recent remarks of the Chief Justice of Pakistan on it.

In a statement issued from Mansoorah on Thursday, Sirajul Haq said the nation was not expecting the most responsible personality of the country’s top court would declare the article as draconian. “The remarks of the Chief Justice of Pakistan have shaken the ideological basis of the country.” There were set standard of morality for elected representatives in entire civilized world and being truthful and trustworthy were the basic ones, he said, regretting that in Pakistan things were taking about-turns in such a way that instead of working on building moral values of the members of the parliament, the focus was being made on lowering the already set standards.

“The life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the source of guidance for every human. Allah Almighty commands every Muslim to follow the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).” Though, he said, it was impossible for any human to meet the standard of morality set by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) but it was obligatory for every Muslim to make efforts accordingly, he added. “The article 62 (1) (f) at least ensures that only the pure and pious Muslims should be elected to the Assemblies so that, as provided in the Preamble, the sovereignty of God Almighty could be exercised by them in the State of Pakistan as a sacred trust.”

Therefore, he said, to build a welfare Islamic society, the article must stay intact. The JI, he vowed, would resist the moves to damage the Islamic provisions of the Constitution. He said the nation was worried why the courts made decisions under pressures. The decisions changed with the change of the governments, he regretted, adding the nation witnessed clash in court verdicts on the cases of similar nature. He said the people expected guidance from the court and the country could only move forward by establishing supremacy of law.

Talking about the President’s address to the joint session of the parliament, Sirajul Haq said that Dr. Arif Alvi admitted the millions of children were out of school, corruption was rampant and political instability was badly harming the country. He said the President of Pakistan should have told the ruling political parties (the PDM and the PTI) that they were responsible for all the problems.