We will continue to raise our voice against Indian atrocities at the global level, say Speakers at a seminar in Brussels

BRUSSELS, Sep 24 (SABAH): Speakers at a seminar in Brussels emphasized that our global struggle against Indian atrocities will continue and we will constantly expose India’s ugly face to the world.

The seminar was organized by the Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) in its secretariat in Brussels, the European capital, in which representatives of Kashmiris, Pakistanis and other communities participated. The seminar was held a day before the Indian External Minister’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, in which India will resort to lies on the Kashmir issue and try to cover up its inhumane atrocities on Kashmiris.

Addressing the seminar, Chairman Kashmir Council Europe Ali Raza Syed said that India has tried to settle a large number of non-Kashmiris in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir by amending the domicile laws in the last few years with the aim of increasing the population of non-Kashmiris in the occupied region. India wants to reduce the ratio of the Kashmiri population in the occupied land. He said that people associated with important fields in Occupied Kashmir are also suffering from fear and harassment from the authorities, an example of which can be given of Dr. Owais Wani, a cardiologist in a hospital in Jammu, who tried to commit suicide after being harassed.

Apart from this, the lives of Kashmiri prisoners in the jails of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are also in danger. World-renowned human rights pioneers Khurram Parvez and Ahsan Ant0 are among the Kashmiri prisoners who have exposed the ill-treatment in the prison. Beside this, prominent Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik has also gone on a hunger strike in protest against lack of his legal rights.

Ali Raza Syed said that India is involved in state terrorism in Occupied Kashmir and it wants to hide its dirty face under the cover of problems in the world. India earlier tried to take advantage of the global war on terror and now wants to take advantage of the war in Ukraine. India imposed restrictions on Kashmiris two years ago on the pretext of Covid-19 and created more problems and difficulties for them.

He said that we will continue our peaceful struggle till Jammu and Kashmir gets freedom from India.

Other speakers of seminar said that India has tried to erase the evidence of the Kashmir conflict by ending the special status of Jammu and Kashmir three years ago. There is no justification for this Indian action, it is an attempt to destroy the identity of Kashmiris and the internationally recognized special status of the region of Kashmir, but the morale of Kashmiris is high and they will not back down from their right to self-determination.

They said that nobody is safe in Occupied Kashmir at this time and international human rights organizations have no access there, no one knows what is happening to Kashmiris there at this time. Even international human rights organizations and international journalists do not have access there.