Hamas says the ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ will not be sheathed until the occupation dissipates

GAZA, Sep 23 (SABAH): The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas has said that it is following up the serious and escalating Zionist crimes and violations against Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the preparations made by the Zionist fanatical groups to mark the so-called season of the Jewish holidays, by storming and desecrating Al-Aqsa Mosque and performing Jewish rituals there.

In a statement issued on Friday, The Islamic Resistance Movement –

Hamas said that we are confident in our people in all their places of existence and in their valiant resistance to liberate the land, people and sanctities from the yoke of colonial occupation, and we are on the advent of new civilizational cycle in which the occupation with its oppression, injustice and terror will eventually come to an end.

The time has come for all states and parties affected by the Zionist occupation to put their hands together in order to get rid of this occupation that has left no Arab state without assaulting it and stealing its rights and practicing all criminal schemes against it. 

As of 2022, more than 27,000 extremist settlers stormed the mosque, and the occupation forces killed 6 citizens of Jerusalem, including the journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, and so far, they arrested 2,012 Palestinian Jerusalemites, including children and women, and demolished more than 90 homes.

On these dangerous developments affecting Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, we affirm the following:

•       Al-Aqsa Mosque represents a great religious value not only to the Palestinians, but to more than 1.7 billion Muslims around the world. The mosque is the first-ever Qibla in Islam, the third holiest site for Muslims and the path of our Messenger. It is an integral part of our religious belief and national constants.

•       What is happening in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, including the acceleration of the forms of aggression and the rabid pace of Zionist Judaization schemes, constitute a blatant assault on the religious and Islamic status of the Holy City and the Mosque. The Israeli occupation bears full responsibility for the repercussions of these violations, and the possibility of dragging the entire region into an open religious war that ends, God Almighty, with this occupation’s demise.

•       These crimes are an extension of the previous Zionist violations against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, which led to many waves of dangerous escalations. They are an extension of the Judaization scheme adopted by the occupation government in 2018 for which it made available the capabilities for the brutal colonial settlement expansion in the Holy City.

•       These crimes aim to obliterate the ancient Islamic and Christian landmarks in Palestine, and to impose false illusions of arrogance, domination and force of arms to change the true Islamic face in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, leading to the imposition of temporal and spatial division, and violating all international charters and resolutions.

•       We call on our people in the West Bank, occupied Jerusalem, and the Palestinians in the occupied territories in 1948 to mobilize and rally in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in order to defend the city against the schemes of Judaization and desecration, especially during the alleged holidays.

•       We demand the PA in Ramallah to carry out its duty to protect Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa instead of practicing profane security coordination, chasing the resistance and arresting them in the service of the occupation. This PA’s conduct represents a grave treason against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa and the national constants of our people.

•       From Gaza and the Great Omari Mosque, we especially demand the brotherly Kingdom of Jordan to intervene urgently and immediately to participate in the protection of Jerusalem, given that the Zionist crimes and violations represent of a clear encroachment on the Kingdom’s role in the guardianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

•       We call on the Arab and Islamic countries and the free peoples of the world to take immediate action to deter the occupation and force it to stop its apartheid schemes and work to bring the issue of Zionist crimes and violations against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa before the International Criminal Court to try the leaders of the occupation as war criminals.

•       We call on the international community and international bodies and organizations to take the necessary steps to prevent these serious violations and to put an immediate end to all Zionist provocative and hostile actions in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its vicinity.

•         We affirm the absolute commitment of Hamas and the Palestinian people to defend the rights and sanctities of our people by all means available and that the colonial occupation’s violations will not pass unanswered. We warn against the continuation and escalation of Zionist crimes and violations against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque. •We highly appreciate the step of a comprehensive strike in all Jerusalem schools, in response to the call of parents of Palestinian students in Jerusalem against imposing the Zionist curriculum in Palestinian Arab schools. In the context of confronting the threat of Judaization, we call for an escalation of confrontation and clash with this occupation on all fields and fronts.

•       Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa have always been a starting point and a central address for correcting the Ummah’s path whenever it retreated or faced a state of decline, and this is what happened in many phases of our Ummah’s history, and this time will not be any different. The continued aggression and brutality of the Zionists against Jerusalem and sanctities will be the cause of a major battle that will usher in the end of this foreign colonial occupation. 

The “Sword of Jerusalem” will not be sheathed until the occupation dissipates. “To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged; and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid”