President Alvi arrives in Asghabat to attend 15th ECO summit meeting

ASGHABAT, Nov 27 (SABAH): President Dr. Arif Alvi on Saturday arrived in Ashgabat on a two day visit to attend the 15th summit meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).

President Dr. Arif Aliv was welcomed by Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan Chary Amanov, at Ashgabat International Airport. On his arrival, the President was presented guard of honour.

During his stay in Turkmenistan, the President will hold meetings with heads of states.

President Dr. Arif Alvi will attend the 15th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) being held in Ashgabat today (Sunday).

According to a statement issued by Foreign Office Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad, ECO is a regional economic trade and development Organization established in 1985. Pakistan, Iran and Turkey are its founding members. The three countries were earlier part of the RCD (Regional Cooperation for Development), established in 1964.

He said that in 1992, ECO expanded to include Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Afghanistan also became a member later.

Foreign Office Spokesperson said that the ECO region is located in neighbourhood of China, Europe, Russia and Gulf States. It comprises 6.3% of world population. It contributes more than 2% to global trade with around 3% share in global GDP. The region is rich in fossil fuel and mineral resources. The intra-region trade is 8%. Main trading partners of the region are EU, China and the U.S.

He said that Pakistan hosted the 13th ECO Summit in Islamabad in 2017, while the 14th ECO Summit was hosted by Turkey in virtual format.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that the 15th ECO Summit will be chaired by President of Turkmenistan Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The theme of the Summit is: “Into the Future Together.” The Summit meeting will review activities of the Organization and adopt “Ashgabat Consensus for Action” as the outcome document.

He said that besides reviewing ECO programs and activities, the Summit meeting will also consider the Mid-Term Review of ECO Vision 2025. The Vision 2025 was adopted in 2017 during the 13th Summit held in Pakistan. It serves as an overarching policy roadmap for the future and revival of ECO and provides guidelines for cooperation in trade, connectivity, energy, tourism, economic growth, social welfare and the environment.

He said that President Dr. Arif Alvi will address the plenary session of the Summit. He will also hold bilateral meetings with participating leaders on the sidelines of the ECO Summit.