People of IIOJK would not give up their freedom struggle come what may: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, Sep 16 (SABAH): Mushaal Hussein Mullick, Chairperson Peace and Culture Organisation, made it clear that the supremacists Narendra Modi government crossed all limits of barbarity and state terrorism, however she added that these brutal and inhuman acts would serve no purpose but would further augment the thirst of undeterred Kashmiris for independence.

Mushaal Mullick, wife of jailed Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, in a statement on Friday vowed that the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) would not give up their freedom struggle come what may. She said that they could not be deterred from their ultimate goal, which was freedom, and they would take the freedom fight to logical ends despite all odds.

She said that despite the continued incidents of Indian state terrorism and granting of voting rights to Indian citizens in the internationally recognised disputed territory, the world powers observed criminal silence.

The world community ignored the horrors committed against Kashmiri people, while the relevant human rights organizations remained silent, she lamented.

Mushaal Mullick stated that the unabated Indian military violence and bloodshed posed a serious existential threat to the Kashmiris reeling under India’s brutal suppression for over the last seven decades.

The Hurriyat leader lamented that Indian fascist government continued killing and arresting of civilians as part of its systematic and nefarious genocide campaign.

Mushaal revealed that the innocent people were being harassed and humiliated during so-called cordon and search operations.

Moreover, she said that extra-judicial killings, enforced disappearances and killing of youth in fake encounters were being used by the notorious India regime as a war tactic to suppress the Kashmiris’ legitimate struggle for right to self-determination.

She said that the gravity of the situation could be judged from the fact that during the last three decades, around 1,22,771 people have been arrested, 7,023 killed in custody, 10,5996 home or building destroyed, 22,776 widows, 10,7466 children orphans, and 10,086 women either have been raped or subjected to other sexual assaults.

She appealed to the international human rights organizations to take stock of the situation and help stop the inhuman and violent brutalities committed by Indian forces in IIOJK.