Pak strongly urges int’l community to call upon India to end its gross & systematic violations of HR in IIOJK: FO Spokesperson

ISLAMABAD, Sep 15 (SABAH): Foreign Office Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad has said that Pakistan strongly urges the international community to call upon India to end its gross and systematic violations of human rights in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), revoke its illegal and unilateral actions since 5th August 2019, and free all political prisoners including the true Kashmiri leaders.

In a weekly press conference on Thursday FO spokesperson said that let me at the outset refer to the continuing grave human rights and humanitarian situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). He said that the unabated wanton state-terrorism by the Indian occupation forces resulted in martyrdom of three more young Kashmiris in fake encounters in Shopian and Islambad districts of IIOJK. This brings total extra judicial killings since 5th August 2019 to 670 and since 1st January 2022 to 150.

He said that “Today the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is the world’s most heavily militarized zone, which has in fact been turned into the world’s largest prison – where people are not allowed to speak freely; APHC leadership, youth, journalists, civil society and human rights defenders are jailed and silenced”. He said that this is an unacceptable and condemnable situation.

“Let me reiterate that a just, peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and wishes of the Kashmiri people is indispensable for lasting peace in the region” Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said.

He said that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif left for Samarkand on Thursday morning for two-day visit to attend the annual Meeting of the Council of Heads of State (CHS) of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

He said that besides attending the SCO Summit, the Prime Minister would hold bilateral meetings with other participating leaders on the sidelines. Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and other Ministers and high officials are part of the delegation.

He said that SCO is a major trans-regional organization spanning South and Central Asia. Since becoming its full member in 2017, Pakistan has contributed towards advancing the Organization’s core objectives through active participation in various SCO mechanisms.

He said that earlier last week, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressed the High-Level Segment of the first United Nations Global Congress of Victims of Terrorism organized by the UN Office of Counterterrorism (UNOCT). He urged the international community to make protection and promotion of the rights of victims of terrorism a basic tenant of global efforts to promote peace and security. The Foreign Minister expressed solidarity with the victims of terrorism all over the world and paid special homage to the oppressed people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and Palestine and emphasized the need to counter state terrorism, especially in cases of foreign occupation.

On 9th September, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif visited the British High Commission in Islamabad to convey condolences on the demise of Queen Elizabeth-II. He penned remarks in the condolence book and payed tribute to the services of the late Queen. Earlier, the Prime Minister also wrote a letter to the British Prime Minister conveying condolences for the Royal Family, the British government and the people. Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari also visited the UK High Commission and signed the condolence book conveying profound sympathies on passing of the late Queen.

He said that on 12 September, on behalf of the people & government of Pakistan, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif conveyed sincere good wishes to His Majesty King Charles III on his accession to the throne.

“Let me now turn to the flood response – the main challenge faced by Pakistan right now, with over 33 million of our compatriots affected by this unprecedented climate calamity, that has taken over 1400 lives and injured more than 13000 people. Besides huge damage to critical infrastructure and services, over 1.7 million houses have been damaged or destroyed, nearly 800,000 livestock have perished, and over 4 million acres of food crop have been lost; the impact on lives and livelihoods is enormous” he said.

FO spokesperson said that it is evident that Pakistan has to face the brunt of this unprecedented climate-induced disaster despite our minimal contribution to the global carbon footprint. So while our people are suffering from the direct consequences of climate change, it is clearly the shared responsibility of the international community to do their utmost to assist the millions of affectees return to normal lives and livelihoods in a sustainable manner.

He said that the colossal scale of this calamity, having stretched our resources to the limit, necessitated support from the international community for an effective and timely response. Efforts are underway to continue building upon the Flash Appeal, and the stream of generous assistance being provided by so many of our partners for rescue and relief operations, while preparing for the subsequent phase of rehabilitation and reconstruction that would require sustained and massive support from the global community. The damages are expected to run into tens of billions of dollars.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that the visit of UN Secretary-General (UNSG) Antonio Guterres (9-10 September) was instrumental, not only to manifest international solidarity with the people of Pakistan, but to highlight the linkage of this catastrophe with climate change. The two-day visit comprised high-level meetings, briefings on the situation, and field visits involving interactions with displaced people, first responders, UN workers, civil society, and media. The Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister accompanied the UNSG to various flood-hit areas. Secretary-General Guterres applauded efforts of the Government and people of Pakistan and called for massive and sustained support of the international community, not only for relief assistance but also for rehabilitation and climate resilient reconstruction. He repeatedly emphasized that it was not just a matter of solidarity but a matter of justice, as countries like Pakistan who have not contributed to climate change are amongst the frontline countries impacted by its consequences.

He said that other dignitaries also visiting Pakistan to show solidarity and support including the Canadian Minister for International Development, Harjit Singh Sajjan, who called on the Prime Minister and also met Minister of State Hina Rabbani Khar. Canada expressed its commitment to support Pakistan in dealing with the aftermath of floods including climate-resilient re-building.

He said that Ms. Samantha Power, Administrator of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) also called on the Prime Minister, as well as Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. The Foreign Minister welcomed US support and solidarity with the people of Pakistan and thanked USAID for providing assistance in the wake of floods. He stressed that the developed countries must step up their climate ambition, including towards the provision of predictable climate finance for mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change in the developing world.

He said that as part of the ongoing relief efforts, as of Thursday, more than 100 flights have been received from our international friends and partners, carrying much needed assistance.

He said that the ongoing relief work and the transition to the rehabilitation and reconstruction phase are going to be the focus of our national efforts and international outreach in the coming weeks and months. This, together with climate change, will be among our top priorities, as you will see at the SCO, and the upcoming UNGA Session in New York and beyond including the COP-27 scheduled to be held in Egypt.