Development in Kashmir unlawful & runs counter declaration to right to development, a group of Kashmiri delegate tells Saad Alfarargi

 GENEVA, Sep 14 (SABAH): A group of Kashmiri delegate met the Special Rapporteur on the right to development, Saad Alfarargi in Geneva Switzerland on the sidelines of 51st United Nation Human Rights Council session.

The group which comprises Human Rights Activists from various walks of life brought range of issues; including violation of various articles of declarations of right to development set forth by United Nations. The group shared; how the absence of any meaningful political engagement in Kashmir has resulted in isolation and marginalization of Kashmiris which also paved way for excessive human rights violations. Group while mentioning to article one of right to development criticized the role of Indian government which systematically deprived Kashmiris from economic, social, cultural and political development – basic components of article one of charter of right to development.

“Development is a fundamental right but it has to be inclusive, emancipatory and should be embedded with Human Rights” said a delegate during interaction. While exposing veiled design of Indian occupation, another delegate stated that “Kashmir is witnessing a skewed and lopsided development where locals are subject to oppression, worst human rights violations and victims of ruling party’s politics of hate and isolation”.

It is pertinent to mention that Amnesty International in its recent report on Indian Occupied Kashmir unearthed severe violations of human rights including; torture, abductions, unlawful detentions and illegal actions of law enforcement agencies operating with impunity. While relating to the other provisions of Right to Development, delegates raised the non-compliance of human rights – central subject of development, and Kashmiris under occupation are not actual beneficiary of the current enforced and imposed “development” in Kashmir.

Contrary to the fake promises of promoting and protecting political rights- which are central for inclusive development, right wing Bhartia Janta Party (BJP) of India, created mechanisms to systematically deprived Kashmiris of personal and collective development, including demographic changes, issuing domiciles to non-Kashmiris to change Muslim majority into minority. Besides, highly objectionable delimitation commission in Kashmir came up with glaring recommendation further cutting Muslim constituencies to its size and giving numerical edge to non-Muslim constituencies – violating the basic principle of delimitation. While briefing to the special rapporteur, delegation also raised key challenge Environmental degradation and climate change the entire region is suffering from.

Himalayan region is subject to worst climatic impact and Kashmir- a region which is highly fragile and vulnerable to climate change is bearing the brunt of presence of almost one million military personnel. One of the major causes of landslides the fast melting mountains and disturbance in eco-system is attributed to heavy military movement, deforestation and heavy firing on Line of Control (LoC).

While concluding, delegates stated that right to development emphasize on socioeconomic and political development and Kashmiris are constantly subject to political, economic and social alienation by Indian government and -such development further exacerbates their isolation. A just, accountable and equitable development cannot take place in the presence of oppression, repressive laws and with unaccountable governance.