Inflictions & catastrophes occurring in country due to ignorance with Allah Almighty’s system: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, Sep 12 (SABAH):  Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq on Monday said that common man is suffering due to infighting between Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM).

Sirajul Haq expressed these views while addressing the central organizing committee meeting at Mansoorah. He said that motive of all three major political parties is to accept and abide by each and every order of International Monetary Fund (IMF) according to its spirit. He said the ruling parties are protector of “riba system” whereas this system is killer of humanity and a suicide system. He said there is a dire need that the rulers should seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah by abolishing the system of riba and added that inflictions and catastrophes were occurring in country due to ignorance with Allah Almighty’s system. He said that flood is a worst infliction of Almighty Allah and the nation need to obey orders of Almighty Allah.

It is a moment of thought that the federal and provincial governments have not taken practical steps for rehabilitation process in the rains and floods affected areas, he said, adding instead of photo sessions and aerial views, the rulers should go ahead for helping out the affected people.

Sirajul Haq said that Jamaat-e-Islami is a progressive and democratic party which is indeed equipped with the ability of taking out the country from problems. He said that the Jamaat-e-Islami will keep continue its relief activities until the rehabilitation of the last flood victim is completed. The meeting took stock of relief activities underway in flood affected areas across the country.

President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdul Shakoor presented a detailed report about the relief activities. Emir Jammat-e-Islami and central office-bearers thanked Almighty Allah and paid tributes to volunteers of Jamaat-e-Islami and Alkhidmat Foundation besides appreciated relief activities of Alkhidmat Foundation.

Sirajul Haq said that inflation was started by the previous government of PTI whereas this collation government has worsened it. He said that one-half of income of common citizen is consumed on paying the electricity bills, and added that agreements were made with Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for buying expensive electricity. Different governments did not give attention towards producing cheap electricity through hydel, solar and wind sources, Sirajul Haq said, adding electricity is also stolen in our country. According to the figures of government, there are 15 to 20 % lines losses of the distribution companies at the present, he deplored.

Sirajul Haq said in this country, 80 million people are passing lives below the poverty line so the people cannot bear billons of rupees being wasted by the rulers of this country on their luxuries. He said that colonial powers and their loyal people have made a single Islamic atomic power a place of conspiracies. The policies were formulated in such a way that pushed the country towards slavery of the IMF, he lamented.

In spite of overburdening the masses through indirect taxes, there is a need to abolish perks and privileges of powerful elite, civil and military bureaucracy, ministers, members of Parliament, judges and other public office holders working on the higher positions.

Sirajul Haq also condemned the arrest of two citizens of Occupied Kashmir by the government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in Gilgit-Baltistan and said that these two citizens should not be handed over to India as their lives was in danger there. These citizens crossed the border due to their love with Pakistan, he said, and added that Jamaat-e-Islami wants to abolish this line of Line of Control (LOC). He said that Kashmir is part of Pakistan, adding, before this several other people crossed the border and entered Pakistan.