Sense of insecurity prevails among citizens: Qamar Zaman Kaira

ISLAMABAD, August 16 (SABAH): An All Parties Conference  for Revival of Economy was organized by Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) in collaboration with National Press Club (NPC) on Tuesday. 
Addressing the Conference, Federal Minister for Planning & Development, Ahsan Iqbal, appreciated ICCI for organizing the APC and said that education, enterprises and exports are keys for reviving Pakistan’s economy. He said that all political parties should agree on a common agenda to turn around economy of the country. 
He said, “I congratulate for holding such an event which is indeed an important event after the Independence Day celebrations.” In the 21th century, the country which will be weak economically then its independence and honor will be compromised, he added. He said that they have not achieved any major success in last 75 years as since creation of the country migrants issue was very severe and Pakistan overcame this issue.  
Federal Minister for Finance, Miftah Ismail said that diverting domestic manufacturing to exports, improving agricultural productivity, providing education to the out of school children, focus on science & technology and living within our own means was very important to revive the economy.
Advisor to Prime Minister on Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit-Baltistan, Qamar Zaman Kaira said that improving agro productivity, encouraging investment in productive sectors, promoting industrial exports and enhancing manpower exports should be the way forward to revive the economy. He said until and unless, the Pakistanis come out of ethnic issues, democracy cannot prosper in the country. Both of industrial and agriculture sectors demand of the government to decrease taxes on them, he said, if they are not ready to give taxes then how the government will cover this gap. 
He said everyone wants to see Pakistan a developed country but it is not possible in no time but it will take time, and continued that here in this land of ours the people enjoy a number of facilities. There is a sense of insecurity among the citizens and everyone wants to be rich by snatching resources from others and continued that only State can sort out their issue, he added. 
Federal Minister for Poverty Alleviation, Shazia Marri said that the GDP of Pakistan could be increased by 30% by enhancing the share of women in labor force equal to the men and 25% participation of women in labor force would enhance the GDP of Pakistan by 9%.
Senator Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri said that the country should adopt the economic model of the Prophet (PBUH) and Khulafa-e-Rashdeen to revive the economy. 
President ICCI Muhammad Shakeel Munir welcomed the representatives of all political parties and said that the purpose of organizing APC was to bring all stakeholders at one platform to develop a future roadmap with consensus for reviving economy of the country.