After India turning into a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ day of 15th August appeared like a ‘Black Day’ to Indian masses along with Kashmiris: UJC

MUZAFFARABAD, August 14 (SABAH): The Spokesperson of the United Jihad Council Shed Sadaqat Hussain has said that after India turning into a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ the day of 15th August appeared like a ‘Black Day’ to the Indian masses along with Kashmiris. It is altogether foolish of Indian government of realizing that Kashmiri were satisfied with slavery was tantamount to living in a fool’s paradise, he said.

The Spokesperson of the United Jihad Council, Syed Sadaqat Hussain expressed these views in a press statement issued on Sunday. He was of the view that every tactic was being used to silence an unarmed nation crippled with dreadful tyranny and economic restraints. He expressed hope that all these means would prove futile as they did in the past. “The history shows that Kashmiri people faced wrath of ‘Dogra Rulers’ and now one finds their identity completely wiped out” he underlined. He noted that the world stood cognizant that Hindu Rashtra had unleashed oppression on Indian minorities particularly Kashmiri Muslims.

United Nations Human Rights reports for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 have exposed cruel character of the Indian Government. Syed Sadaqat Hussain focused that Indian rulers couldn’t befool the world and reiterated that tyranny always came to an end after reaching its climax and same would happen to Kashmiris.

While condemning dismissal of several government employees including Syed Abdul Moeed, the son of Syed Salahudin Ahmed, the UJC spokesperson clarified that these mean tactics would never prove fruitful in discouraging people vying for the freedom of Kashmir. He reiterated that the struggle for the achievement of goal of freedom would continue with utmost zeal and enthusiasm.