Mushaal Mullikc terms August 5 darkest day of modern Kashmir history

ISLAMABAD, August 06 (SABAH): Mushaal Hussein Mullick Chairperson Peace and Culture Organisation termed August 5 is the darkest day of modern Kashmir history when three years ago, India forcibly unlawfully terminated special status of Kashmir. However, she lamented that ironically international community observed criminal silence over the world’s largest land grabbing crime committed by the fascist Indian government.

In a video message on Abrogation of Article 370 & 35A in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), she said that the world’s biggest robbery was committed on August 5, 2019, which exposed Narendra Modi government before the world as an oppressor and aggressor.

Mushaal Mullick, who is wife of jailed Hurriyat Leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, said that the Indian terrorist army had been trying to establish its foothold in the scenic valley for seventy years through various inhuman, unlawful and brutal tactics. She said that when all the brutal and inhuman acts failed to fulfill their nefarious designs, the fascist government forcefully and unlawfully altered the special status of Kashmir by revoking Article 370 & 35A.

The chairperson went on to say that as a part of its settler-colonial project to change the demography of the region, the brutal authorities issued domiciles to 60 lac Hindus to occupy the lands of Kashmiris, displacing Kashmiris from their own homes and thrown on the streets. The hurriyat leader stated that India deceitfully nullified the special status of Jammu and Kashmir in sheer violation of UN resolutions and International Law aimed at converting the muslim majority into a minority.

She said that Modi government’s repressive policies and its failure to investigate HR abuses have increase insecurity among Kashmiris, as they unleashed a wave of barbarism and terrorism sans any fear of accountability.

Mushaal Mullick revealed that her twitter account has been withheld/blocked in India and IIOJK for raising a voice for her oppressed people of Kashmir under Indian Occupation and jailed husband.

However, Mushaal stated that the sacrifices of Kashmiris would yield results and they would soon break the shackles of Indian slavery.

She urged that the world should shun hypocrisy and act instantly to stop the modern days ‘Yazid’ (notorious Modi) from committing genocide of Kashmiri people.

On the occasion, Secretary General Sabeen Hussain Mallick said that the fascist criminal government crossed all limits of brutalities but she vowed that they could not dampen the courage of brave Kashmiri people.