Al-Qaeda- Ideology and Expansion. By Omiamah Khan

Al-Qaeda and ISIS no matter whatever foreign policy they project, they need the states and their resources to exploit for their survival and progress. In 2002, Gilles Kepel coined the word Jihadist-Salafism to explain the hybrid Islamist ideology. Notably; this notion can be classified as the ideology of ISIS. “Al- Salafiya, Al-Jihadiyya” was addressed by the leaders of ISIS to their followers.

In 21st century this ideology follows specific political and religious movement that has been rooted from the Sunni Islam. However, Jihad and Salafism are the two parts to this extreme ideological movement. Jihadi-salafists are part of the extensive salafi movement, whose convictions and practices attempt to follow the Muslims of earlier era.  Salafism was to purify Islamic faith and its theological movement found within the Sunni-Islam. It works for achieving oneness of God, purifying Islam from evils of idolatry and follow the Islamic teachings.

Moreover, Salafi consider them as the true Muslims and rest who worship and believe in any other form stone, saint or tomb etc are all considered to fall into the category of idolatry. This even includes, Muslim Shias and even democrats who are participating in the democratic system. The ideology of Al-Qaeda comes from the Salafi group. According to the aims of Al-Qaeda it is to drive out the United States and its influence from Muslim countries (especially from Saudi Arab). Further they want to destroy Israel and bring down the pro-western regimes in the Middle –East. However, the organization wants to unite Muslims and establish an Islamic in accordance with the rule of the first Caliphate. Moreover their strength lies in their simple message approach which is Islam is under threat, in all the socio-economic and religious spheres and its exploitation led by Western world especially U.S.. Moreover it has a global characteristic as anyone can join it as long as they accept their ideology. However, the core principles that are persuaded by secular and religious reforms which are practiced by Muslims in the United States in support of the democratic process differ from Al Zawahiri and Al Qaeda’s core principles.

Moreover, there are three foundations of Al-Qaeda, as outlined by Al Zawahiri:

The first is the Quran-Based Authority for Governing. Moreover, according to Al Zawahiri, Al Qaeda is for supporting the creation of an Islamic state governed exclusively by shariah law.   Any Secular government or manmade law is considered not to be acceptable and is believed contrary to Islamic faith. Then secondly Al –Qaeda seeks Liberation of the Homelands. As per, Al Zawahiri the freedom of the Muslim lands and their liberation from every aggressor will bring reforms and free electoral process. However, this will not be possible for Muslims without first establishing in entirety. Further, he also argued over the significance of creating the control over the Middle Eastern energy resources and illustrated that the Muslim world as an impotent and exposed to the Israel’s nuclear weapon.

Moreover, the last point was the Liberation of the Human Being. According to Zawahiri he expressed a vision of a legally binding social relationship amongst Muslims and their rulers that would allow individuals to pick and scrutinize their leadership. Further, in addition to that Muslims can oppose and topple the leadership who damages Islamic laws and standards. He criticized the current established governments and specified that there is a need for power of the Shariah based judiciary, and further to ensure that no one is able to dispose of the people’s human rights, except in accordance with this judiciary. Thus, for waging global Jihad Al-Qaeda has expanded into Africa and their intermediary is called as Al-Qaeda Islamic Maghreb AQIM. On the basis of four central objectives laid by Al Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden, and their adherents they have penetrated into the region.

First, the organization wants to set free the Muslim populous from the apostate governments and rulers. After this their other objective was to persuade their supporters to do Jihad against any international peace keeping treaty or any kind of deployments in Sudan and Somalia. Moreover, their further point was regarding Nigeria which has large oil reserves and is a major oil producing country. According to Al-Qaeda, exploitation of these reserves and natural resources will help in disrupting the global economy which will eventually lead to weakening of the western states. Their last point regarding the region was that it will facilitate a strategy of connecting the Islamic militants, jihadist movements across the globe. Hence, the organization is now involved in exploiting the natural resources for their expansion and ongoing activities. However, they are present in North Africa and their adherents have fought in Somalia and Eritrea civil wars.

Moreover, the African diamonds with other natural resources are being used by the group for terrorism activities. Al Qaeda has been very rational in making strategic moves. As for the Importance of the Oil resources the organization had a clear vision. According to the Al Qaeda leaders’ various declarations revealed the sophisticated thoughtfulness towards the economical and military vulnerabilities of America and its allies. Further, particularly with concern to the role of Middle Eastern oil as the base of industry and the survival path in the global economy.  Osama Bin Laden had asked Muslim world to become more self- adequate economically and the Arab governments to preserve oil as a huge and significant economic power for the coming Islamic state. Moreover, Osama Bin Laden had also emphasized the economic embargo as a tremendously useful arsenal.

Moreover, few years back Al Zawahiri urged, mujahidin to concentrate their campaigns and Jihad on the Muslims’ stolen oil and do not allow the thieves ruling [Muslim]  world to control these oil resources .He made this declaration in an interview reportedly  which was reported to be conducted on or around the fourth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Al Zawahiri had been encouraging attacks on the oil fields. Furthermore, military supply lines could demonstrate a movement in Al Qaeda’s vital and strategic arrangement. For Al –Qaeda the more extended attrition conflicts by making disrupting attacks that will portray the problematic and vulnerable situation for economic and critical energy production’s infrastructure.

According to J.Cillers observation the armed groups are now no more dependent on state sponsorships after cold war and they have replaced their strategy by exploiting natural resources. Al-Qaeda is exploiting the African diamonds and other natural resources for revenue generation. It’s a rational strategy opt by the organization for its survival. Thus, their major finances are tied up with diamond trade and some other natural resources like precious metals and timber. Thus, for this reason they want to make their strong hold in western and eastern part of the region. Moreover, Al-Qaeda had been able to influence African oppressed youth, ultimately for revenge seekers the organization has become a platform to seek out his frustration and for identity seekers it has become a group which gives them purposeful recognition. Unfortunately, these young masses that have some misconceptions about Islam, fed up from their surrounding anti- Muslims oppression want to wage a global jihad.

Further, the demographics of the region is becoming a game changer as Muslim population will increase in some sub region of sub-Saharan Africa and will reach approximately parallel to non-Muslim around 2030. Notably, West Africa has Muslim majority and expected to further increase within six years. On the other hand, the Muslims in the Southern, Middle and Eastern African region do not share major population and are not even expected to grow significantly by 2030. Al-Qaeda has lost its strong ground in Pakistan, Syria and Iraq. The organization needs a region for its survival and revival. Thus, the Sub Saharan region is paving the way for its fertile ground of development, growth, stability and nourishment. The organization has a deep well connected penetration in the region through all means for their strong survival, sustainability and for achieving their vision they need to capture resources. To revive their hegemony and to compete with other groups like ISIS who are becoming an impetus force and taking over the popularity of Al-Qaeda. Hence, the organization needs to gain the African region’s natural resources. Al-Qaeda being a realist organization is propelling in the right direction and exploiting the prevalent resources and maintaining the status quo in the region.

However, the sudden demise of their leader by unmanned vehicle generates a downward curve for the organization and gives a valiant victory to the Biden administration. Now, the world is left to observe whether the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri is a blow to the Al-Qaeda haven in Afghanistan and annihilation of their future ambitions of growth or the coming years will witness the resurgence of another vengeance movement. In addition to this it is imperative to look what will be the US counterterrorism approach for Kabul and the region. The fact that China is holding a strong ground in Afghanistan and their ingress is welcome by state and some silent actors. Is this new growing friendship is accepted by the Biden administration.

Interestingly, everyone have their story to tell and justify the idea of terrorism. The world is looming under the constant multifaceted threats and all eyes are on the Biden’s over the horizon counter terrorism strategy.

Omiamah Khan is a gold medalist, lawyer and is earning her PhD in nuclear politics. She is member of World Institute of Nuclear Security, Women in Intelligence and actively participating with Chatham House, RUSI and UN agencies.

Note: (It is not necessary for our organization to agree with the views expressed by the writer. If anyone wants to respond the views expressed by the writer then we offer our platform).