Major area of country was badly affected due to floods: Liaqat Baloch

LAHORE, August 01 (SABAH): Deputy Emir of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan and President Political Affairs Committee, Liaqat Baloch, on his return from the visit of Balochistan and Sindh, said at Mansoorah on Monday that major area of country was badly affected due to floods. He said that a number of human lives were lost and many were left helpless.

Liaqat Baloch said that defective constructions multiplied the losses many times while at the same time the federal and provincial governments demonstrating culpable negligence in connection with providing aid to the flood and rains affectees.

He said that Karachi was badly affected by the rainfalls where roads were broken and garbage spread everywhere due to unavailability of proper sewerage system.

Heavy rainfalls badly affected the masses and at the same time exposed the incompetent, corrupt and anti-human rulers, he said, adding regardless of anything, there is a need of urgent help to the rain and flood affected families.

Liaqat Baloch was of the view that due to landmines installed by Imran Khan’s government on the economic road destroyed the coalition government and threw the masses in miserable conditions. He said that minimum relief was given to the masses as compared to the decrease of petroleum products prices at the international market. He termed government’s bowing down before the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a crystal-clear humiliation.

Unbearable increase in production cost, skyrocketing dollar price and difference of exports and imports shut down the industries, he said, adding the business community is becoming bankrupt, besides an increase in number of unemployed people.

Liaqat Baloch maintained that the coalition government solely cannot overcome the economic depression, adding through national dialogue it should reach an agreed line of action by taking input from all the stakeholders including traders, representatives of industrialists’ elected bodies and leadership.

He said that federal and provincial governments are seen only celebrating the achievement of more powers regardless peoples’ miseries. 

Liaqat Baloch said that the meeting of Political Affairs Committee of Jamaat-e-Islami is going to be held today (Tuesday) at Mansoorah to be participated by members from Center, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab where country’s political, constitutional, parliamentary and economic crises would come under discussion.

He said that Political Affairs Committee will devise roadmap on country’s political crises, and continued that details of countrywide public campaign will also be shared.