Jamaat-e-Islami will expedite its movement against govt after Eidul Azha: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, July 6 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq has said that social terrorism of coalition government has rendered a layman severely injured. 

Sirajul Haq on on Wednesday presided over a meeting of central leadership at Mansoorah. The meeting discussed the prevailing political situation and election preparations. Poverty is root cause of all problems while the government created issues for the people in its initial 90 days, Siraul Haq said and added that corruption, employment and inflation have increased manifold in the country.  

Either the government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) or Pakistan Democratic Alliance (PDM); all are working on the agenda of International Monetary Fund (IMF), he said. Dangerous polarization has triggered abusive language, rudeness and intolerance in the politics, he pointed out.

He said that Jamaat-e-Islami will play a role of real opposition by taking up issues of a common citizen, adding unless journey towards interest-free system is begun; the country cannot taste prosperity with the help of Almighty Allah.

Jamaat-e-Islami will expedite its movement against the government after Eidul Azha. Six-hour long meeting took stock of overall political situation of the country, by-polls and LB polls. Sirajul Haq expressed his grief over the loss of precious lives during rains in Balochistan and requested the federal government to come forward to announce relief package for the victims.

He congratulated the responsible persons over holding successful “Train March” against inflation, unemployment, corruption and interest-based economy. He said that passion of those who came to receive the march in scorching heat of June is also laudable which transpired that people are fed up with the so-called three major parties.

In wake of anti-people policies of the rulers; the issue of poverty is further exacerbating, he said, and continued that interest-based economy, corruption and unemployment has squeezed the poor masses. Unemployment and poverty are taking the country to anarchy as unemployed youth has to face disgrace in search of jobs for their.

Inflation and corruption in the country is the production of rulers, he said, adding that the monsters who exploited the masses once and again; their days have been numbered. The rulers ruling the country since last 75 years have damaged the country to a greater extent, he lamented.

Siraj Haq said the rulers need to know that masses now are well-aware of their true face, adding mere Jamaat-e-Islami is corruption-free party across the length and breadth of the country. He asked the youth to raise their voice from the platform of Jamaat-e-Islami and wage a holy ward against this redundant system.

Solution of all problems of the country lies with the enforcement of Islamic System, he said, adding Jamaat-e-Islami will enforce zakat and ushr system that will repair economy in just few months. Jamaat-e-Islami will get rid of IMF and pave the way for the country’s development.

Sirajul Haq expressed concerns over government failure to provide relief to masses. Inflation, unemployment were creating havoc in common man’s life, he said, adding the economy was collapsed due to ill-conceived policies of the rulers. He said the PDM and PPP government three months’ performance was zero. The incumbent rulers added to the people’s miseries and failed to honor its promises made before ousting PTI government in April. He said the interest-based economy and corruption were the root causes of the problems facing the country.

The JI chief said the load shedding and inflation had brought disaster to lives of people. Hours long power outages destroyed livelihood of industrial workers and made their nights sleepless, he said. The rulers could not spend an hour without air-condition and even their horses and doges lived in cool environment, he said, adding the children of poor, however, were forced to live without fan in sizzling heat. The feudal lords, waderas and corrupt imperialists were root cause of all the problems facing the country, he said.

Sirajul Haq said the economy could not put on track by making full dependence on the IMF and foreign loans. The government must accept Federal Shariah Court decision against Riba and introduce the Islamic model of economy to end the problems. He said the JI was playing the role of real opposition and would keep fighting for the rights of the people. He said the JI could solve the problems and bring real change if voted to power. He said the three parties failed to deliver and were badly exposed. He said it was need of the hour people say goodbye to tested parties and vote for honest and capable leadership.

Sirajul Haq said the JI would take part in polls under its own flag and election symbol. If voted to power, the JI would bring real change in Pakistan, he added.