History will neither forget nor forgive all those who were part of & enabled this conspiracy against Pakistan to succeed: Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD, June 20 (SABAH): Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan while declaring June 20 a black day said that the National Accountability (Amendment) Bill 2022 will protect white collar criminals from accountability.

In a series of Tweets on Monday, the former prime minister highlighted that Rs1,100 billion of the Rs1,200 billion that was being investigated by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) would now be out of its jurisdiction. He said that the history will neither forget nor forgive all those who were part of and enabled this conspiracy against Pakistan to succeed. “Rs 1100 bn of the Rs 1200 bn that was being investigated by NAB will now be out of NAB’s jurisdiction, giving this criminal mafia their NRO2. History will neither forget nor forgive all those who were part of & enabled this conspiracy against Pakistan to succeed” Imran Khan tweeted.

“Entire economy and political system of Pakistan was derailed through US-backed regime change conspiracy simply to give this cabal of crooks another NRO. PMLN’s Engineer Khurram Dastagir Khan confirmed this,” said Khan.

“Today, with this one amended NAB law we are heading towards destruction by removing white collar criminals from accountability,” he wrote.

The PTI chairman further noted that at a time when Pakistan s economy had stabilised and was moving towards sustainable growth of 6%, the conspirators chose to destabilise Pakistan by sending the economy into a tailspin and dropping a price bomb on people — “just to give these criminals NRO”.

“Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had said societies are destroyed when the poor are jailed while the rich are not held accountable. Today, with this amended NAB law, we are heading towards destruction by removing white-collar criminals from accountability,” he added.

Meanwhile in another tweet Imran Khan said on Monday “Thank you to the nation for coming out across Pakistan, esp the families, women & elderly who braved difficulties & in some cities rain, to join our protest against massive inflation & clearly reject Imported Govt of crooks imposed by US regime change conspiracy”. He said that inflation is not acceptable.