Israel, US & India helped current rulers to oust the PTI govt: Imran Khan

UPPER DIR, June 04 (SABAH): Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan on Saturday while addressing a public rally in Upper Dir said that Pakistan’s economy is sinking fast since Shehbaz Sharif came to power and global institutes have downgraded Pakistan’s ranking.

Taking a dig at incumbent government, Imran Khan said that we will not accept the imported government, adding that he wanted Pakistani youth to stand up for their rights. Israel, United States and India helped current rulers to oust the PTI government, he added.

PTI Chairman further said Shehbaz Sharif himself looking very nervous and there is a strange fear on his face and current rulers came to power under conspiracy and now they should take responsibility, adding that instead of taking serious measures they are doing irrelevant things.

The former PM while expressing anger over economy crisis said the rupee is downgrading constantly which will cause serious threats to national security while in just two months, coalition government crushed the people.

“The only way out of this crisis is free, fair and transparent election and Pakistan is ready for elections, the future of Pakistan will be decided by it’s not by any other country. The government should be formed with the opinion of the people, no government should be imposed from outside,” Imran Khan said.

Imran Khan reiterated that America, Israel, and India “conspired” against his government and imposed the incumbent leaders on Pakistan. “They have brought Shehbaz into power as he will obey every order of theirs.”

The first is taking “dictation” from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and moving up inflation in the country. The price of petrol has been increased by Rs60, Khan said, adding that if a person had a “little bit of humanity left in them” then they would never surge prices to such high levels.

The ex-premier said the international money lender had also pressurised the PTI government to increase the price of petroleum products, but instead of following IMF’s suggestions, it decreased it.

“I will keep fighting them till my last breath,” the ousted prime minister said, claiming that his government was not ousted because of inflation, but through a US-backed conspiracy.

Imran Khan said that the imported government has been imposed on the country and this imported government is taking the country towards destruction. Imran Khan said that we are asking question from our neutral that when your duty is to defend the country and when it was come to known that the letter came and American Donald Lu wrote letter to our ambassador, adding that in meeting he said Imran Khan should be removed otherwise the country have to face difficulties and if you will remove him through no-confidence motion then we will pardon you.

PTI chairman said when this letter was presented before the National Security Committee (NSC), our whole leadership including foreign office, military leadership and political was present, adding that when the NSC said that the foreign interference has occurred and America was condemned and decided to demarche, adding that after this those who are responsible for the defense of the country; whether it was not their responsibility to make all out efforts against this interference and got stop it, instead of remaining neutrals. He said that today country is facing loss, adding that today our country is in difficulty. He said that the government which has come through conspiracy has darkened the future of our country. Imran Khan said there is only one way to come out of this situation, which is holding free and transparent elections and no other way exists.

Imran Khan said that Shehbaz Sharif would have been jailed one year ago in FIA and NAB cases if he would not have been powerful person, adding that because he had connections so he remained safe. He said that they have been brought to power through conspiracy because corrupt people could not take stand and could not stand for the interests of the country.

Imran Khan alleged that they are making preparations to win the next election through rigging and with the help of Election Commission of Pakistan, adding that when these people come out in the masses two slogans of thieve and traitors are raised against them by people. He said that they are making preparations for rigging in election with the help of Election Commission.

Imran Khan said that the government is spreading terror in the country and frightening the people in the country so that the people should not come out in front of them. Imran Khan termed the current rulers as the yazeed of the today, adding that if the people will not come out due to the fear of these yazeeds and bowed before the idols of fear then the history will not forgive us as the history never pardoned the people of the Kufa, adding that the upcoming generations will not pardon us, adding that I am addressing whole Pakistan that this is the time to stand in front of these dacoits, thieves and US servants. Imran Khan said that he has decided that this is jehad for the country and will go at any extent while competing them, adding that until and unless he is alive he will compete these people. Imran Khan asked the people whether they will come out along with him, adding that we will succeed.